
If you are a new runner or haven't run in a long time, taking the first step is literally the way to achieve your goals.

The sample workout below is designed for a moderately conditioned athlete. If you are a beginner, start by cutting in half each time/rep.

Enjoy the run!!

Weekly Workouts:

Here is a sample of 'go at your own pace' workouts.

Monday - Easy run 30 min, 25 pushups, 30 sit ups, plank for 90 seconds

Tuesday -  Easy run 30 min.

Wednesday - Day Off!!

Thursday - Speed/strength workout. Do a series of sprints at a track (from 100-600 meters) or do some hill running.

Friday - Easy run 25 minutes, 25 pushups, 30 sit ups, plank for 90 seconds

Saturday - Long run. Extend your distance by 10%-15%

Sunday - Cross training. Ride a bike, take a walk, go for a swim.